Well, we are back from this years Recon event in Las Vegas and we had a very successful show this year. We spoke to a lot of attendees and potential sponsors for CRE Radio and in my typical fashion, we just talked to people. After listening to the interviews, I felt like I was eavesdropping on myself and sneaking in a little listening here and there. You can hear the show any time after 12:00 noon on Wednesday at www.creradio.com.
Our radio show, scheduled for initial airing on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 12 noon, California time, is an eclectic representation and commentary of this year's ICSC Recon, (you can listen as a podcast at anytime after that). We try to present this show as if "You were there." We talk about what we saw and what we did as well as who we spoke to. We talked about new things and old things and the good, the bad and the ugly and I am not talking about a spaghetti western here. How about some news and analysis as well as education on issues of finance and electric vehicle charging stations. Not just reporting but commentary.
Find out the latest from Betsy Laird on internet taxation and the Marketplace Fairness Act and other similar bills before congress. How about Robert Thatcher's perspective on changes to the management of a nearly 700,000 square foot, enclosed mall over the last 17 years.
How about some fun as Ian Ritter from GlobeSt.com and I play dueling interviews and beg for a little deliverance. Listen to the show. No, eavesdrop on my conversation with Ian and find out how I turn the tables on him as we interview each other at the same time and try to figure out who is going to ask what question first or dominate the conversation.
Our interview with Jon Mills, founder of Motion Loft is a perfect example of the advantage of radio and hearing things for yourself rather than second hand. The way his sensors stream activity in real-time was first described to me by my staff, I first thought it was nothing more than a vehicular traffic sensor; those little boxes at the curb with the cable extending out into the street. As a result of my conversation with him, I understood that his sensor did a whole lot more. Jon's computerized sensor can measure "foot" traffic, not just vehicular traffic.
Listen to our conversation on "crowdsourcing" for real estate professionals. A very inexpensive way to get the help when you need it, where you need it and at a very affordable price. Mark Fuller of "WeGoLook" explains how you can get someone to inspect REO properties in disparate geographical locations, without having to hop on an jet.
This is the first of two shows reviewing this years Recon. The second show will be made available as a podcast within the next two weeks. The only reason why we covered Recon in two shows is that this year, we just had too many interesting interviews. For example, on Recon Recap 2012, Part Deux, we will be learning about Sub Zero Ice Cream, a franchisor that can make ice cream, from scratch in less than 30 seconds. Talk about fresh. We will hear from Dan Jablons, Larry David's "Jewish Lawyer" on Curb Your Enthusiasm who also moonlights as one of the managing directors for The US Retail Group, a membership organization of independent retailers. Very funny interview. We will also be talking about green centers and alternative energy, including electric auto charging stations, including an equally funny interview with Arun Baskotya, president of EvGo, a subsidiary of NRG Energy, a large provider of electric energy.
Finally, don't forget to listen to Douglas Curry, CEO of Exceligent a spinoff of the Loopnet/Costar merger. Hear the inside scoop on the merger through the eyes of a survivor.
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