To qoute from one of my lines as Daddy Warbucks in Annie, "...I am the luckiest person in the world."
Yes, because I am married to my wife Joanne............ but, also because I am so fortunate to speak to, inteview and get to know, some very, very bright, intelligent, articulate and nice people when doing my show for CRE Radio.
I make this very sincere statement following my review of interviews that I did at the RealShare Networking Conference in Los Angeles, this past March, which interviews are going to be aired on my show this afternoon, May 16, 2012 at 12 noon, California time. The live show will be converted to a podcast and made available at
What struck me most about my interviewees, which included Bob Kline, Ray Lepone, Kristina Raspe, Dennis Vaccaro, and Victor Coleman was not that these were experts in their respective specialties in commercial real estate, but that they were "real" people, in many cases, giving their person-on-the street perspective that may have been tempered by their expertise. This is what my show is about and I think the listeners like to hear real world and real people talking at the same level as the listener, without the officious, "I am the expert and you need to listen to me," attitude.
It also hasn't escaped me that I have come to this realization while listening to interviews from "RealShare." Couldn't have titled it better. Now how is that for being poetic.
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