Last week I created a post and copied a link to a video from KW commercial entitled "Can Being a Perfectionist harm your real estate business". Admittedly, I did relate to the video and thought that as a perfectionist, I was sometimes frozen in time.
The reality is that for some other inexplicable reasons, and like other people, I sometimes procrastinate and wait until the last second to get something done. What I don't understand is why do I do this? I know better and I don't think that I always procrastinate because I am a perfectionist.
A perfect example was this past two weeks. I had to draft a cross-complaint in a lawsuit that I was handling. Now I knew about this for about 4 weeks. About two weeks ago, I reviewed my paperwork, discussed the facts with my client and was prepared to write the document and move on with my life. But, nooooooooooo. That was too simple. I got distracted and put off the writing of the cross-complaint for another week. Then last week, every day, I kept telling my staff to leave me alone so I could draft the cross-complaint and get it filed last week.
Did I do it last week? Noooooooooooooo. And every day that went by, I could feel more and more stress because I wasn't getting this project done. Now, I know better. I know that pracrastinating and delay is just going to stress me out and all I have to do is to just get it done. But noooooooo. Come the weekend I still haven't drafted the document and now I have set an absolute deadline of filing the cross-complaint for Monday. I even had my staff call the court on Friday to let them know that I would be filing the cross-complaint on Monday. So what did I do on Saturday. Noooooooooo, I didn't draft the cross-complaint and I did everything else I could do but that.
So what happened. I filed the cross-complaint today and yesssssssss, I worked on it Sunday morning. Was it difficult? Nooooooooooo. Actually it was pretty easy. I just sat down and did it and relieved all that stress that was building up in me over the last two weeks. Actually, it felt really good getting it done and I did it so quickly, that I actually had time to take the family bowling Sunday afternoon. I just don't get it.
Now opposing counsel will have to procrastinate
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